The NeoHandyman’s Guide To The Post-Pandemic Era

These are hard times for everyone. I find it difficult to identify anyone who would be basking in the grand life of Covid-19. We are all putting up with what feels like oppressive limitations. It’s a sort of “rainy day blues” on steroids with no definitive end in sight.

It is decidedly easy to fall into low states of mind, spirit, and even depression in a time like this.

I, like everybody else, don’t want to be stuck here in my home waiting. Frankly, I want to go to Florida to visit family and to be warm and near blue water, palm trees, and a Mai Tai at a waterfront tiki hut bar as the sun is setting. Right now I’m substituting a lengthy background drone video of a few Tahitian resorts to assuage the anguish of the Covid-19 2022 Winter day here in the North East…

I must say, though, the quality of this video, by Boost Relaxation – no affiliation to this site whatsoever – is quite good. So beautiful there – bucket List material, for sure. You can see it here… a Mini-vacation time?

Of course, YouTube videos are not the solution. But, with a little forced enthusiasm, the following might be workable. Please take a moment to check this out. You have nothing to lose and a moment of blissful hope to gain…

At this very moment, my chosen defense is to mount preparation for the highest outcome there can be to this challenging time – the end of the pandemic and the restoration of life as we once knew it to be.

I know it sounds like pie-eyed, optimistic rhetoric, and so easily discounted by the many of us whose faith may be waning… ok, all of us. I get it. But, even in this present state, wouldn’t you have to ask yourself a real quality question –

“What is the highest good that I can focus on that, given half a chance, could bring about the kind of situation that would be most beneficial for me and everybody else around me now and in the post-pandemic era?”

Now that sounds and feels constructive to me. And, maybe there’s some fun to be found in the process as well…

I have made my list. It seems like it could be a decent example to follow… if you dare…

I have decided that when the pandemic is over, I would like to have:

  • Retained the high-level sharpness of mind that can be lost in isolation
    • Psychologists have said that in times of lengthy isolation the first thing to diminish is the ability to communicate as effectively. It’s important to maintain or even retrieve the old sharpness of mind fading in extended periods of semi-solitude. For me, this will require reading, comprehension practice, and discipline required to study some of the great ancient philosophers like Socrates and Plato. This was instrumental in college. Why not now, right?
  • Sharp computer skills including programming as a practice
    • This too was good for me once. This, as part of the whole recipe, will be fun and a worthy “pet to have”
  • Consistently Tested me in all as a means to compete with who I was just a day ago
  • Reignited my home exercise regimen
    • To get the most out of the future freedom, one should be in shape enough to fully enjoy it
  • Taken it upon me to have learned to do some cooking of some popular dishes
    • This aspect helps everyone and can even become a group event or just to promote the peaceful congregating at mealtimes as a family; a good time to share.

This, as a whole, sounds right to me.

If in the end, the outcome of the pandemic isn’t completely like we knew, if it’s even close, if we stay constructive now, imagine how much better life will be because we had prepared for our outcome.

“If you Aim High And Miss, At Least You’ll Miss High”

NeoHandyMan – Berk

I, like most, have never been the type of person to just sit and wait for something to come my way. The pandemic seems to be doing its best to keep us all in a “wait state”, frustrating everybody. So, the question is what will you and I commit to doing to press beyond into a more gratifying future, however that may look, for yourself and your loved ones?

What about you? What would be your approach? How would you prep for our post-pandemic era? I would suggest that it’s a good exercise to lay down a list of what you would like to be and have at the end of the pandemic. Challenge yourself. Honestly, what better things do you have to be doing right now?

Keep the Faith. Better days are coming…



Berk is a Home Improvement Contractor with many years of experience in every area of household maintenance and improvement.

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