How To Make A Home Fire Escape Plan

The safety of your family is of utmost importance in the event of a home fire. An effective fire escape plan can help ensure everyone gets out safely. Creating a fire escape plan for your home requires careful consideration of the layout of your home, the number of people living in the house, and the location of possible exits. In this article, we will discuss the steps that you need to take to create a comprehensive fire escape plan for your home.


A home fire escape plan is a plan of action to be taken in the event of a fire. It should include two escape routes from each room, a designated meeting place outside the home, and a plan for safely escaping from the home in the event of a fire. It should also include a plan for what to do if someone is trapped in a room.

Creating a Home Fire Escape Plan

When creating a home fire escape plan, it is important to identify all the possible exits in the home and to create a map for everyone in your dwelling to follow. This should include doors, windows, and any other exits that can be used to escape a fire.

Video courtesy of NFPA Kids

If there are elderly or disabled family members present in the home, there will be a need to get to them quickly and guide them out. It is advisable to assign someone able to help your loved ones to safety. This too should be a part of your escape plan and should be practiced to whatever extent can be managed.

When leaving a home in a fire emergency, if at all possible, it is advisable, to close doors when you leave a room and the egress doors as well. Doing so will reduce the ability of the fire to spread quickly and may save the life of someone whose escape is impeded and need the fire department’s help to escape.

Identify all possible exits

It is vitally important to start with identifying all viable exits in your home that can be used to escape. This includes all doors, windows as well as any cellar windows, should someone be down there at the time of a fire. These I mention as they are often quite different than other more commonly found windows in the main areas of the home. Understanding how your family members might fit through them, whether they can be quickly partially disassembled to make more room are important factors that could save a life. An example would be that of a sliding window where the sashes themselves can be quickly and easily be removed once the window is unlocked.

Check your exits for functionality

Make sure that all doors and windows are easily accessible, and that any window or door locks can be opened quickly and easily. As a former window contractor, I advise that you make certain to check older windows that are not opened often to see if they are functional and that they are not painted shut.

If you live in a multi-storied house with no obvious and easy and assured escape, you may want to consider purchasing an Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL)-approved collapsible ladder. They come in various sizes and types. To have one ready in your time of need will save lives.

Hausse Retractable 2 Story Fire Escape Ladder

When planning the escape routes from each room, it is important to consider any obstacles that may block the exits, such as furniture, curtains, or locked doors.

Set up a practice plan

Once all the exits have been identified, it is important to practice the escape plan regularly to ensure that everyone knows how to safely exit the home in the event of a fire under any possible circumstances described above that can be identified in your plan. Practicing your plan regularly will go a long way to reduce panic in a fire situation.

Set up a designated meeting place:

A home fire escape plan is meant to ensure that everyone in the home at the time of a fire is accounted for and safe. Establishing a meeting place outside of the home such as at a neighbor’s house or a nearby landmark allows the family members to meet up and confirm that everyone is safe and to quickly identify whether anyone may still be inside the home and alert the proper authorities. Having a designated meeting place during a home fire escape plan is key to making sure that everyone is safe and accounted for and should always be a part of the home fire escape practice to be exercised.

Set up emergency contacts

Often overlooked, having an emergency contact is essential to a home fire escape plan. This contact should be someone who lives outside of the home, such as a family member or friend, or someone who can reach the proper emergency services if needed. This contact should be informed of the plan and be available to respond in the event of an emergency. This contact can also be used to help locate family members who may have been separated during a home fire emergency. Having an emergency contact is an important part of any home fire escape plan.

The links listed below are free Escape Planning Tools from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

How often should my family practice our escape plan?

A fire in your home could well be a cause for some to panic if they don’t know what to do. It is, therefore, vitally important to practice your home fire escape plan regularly to ensure that everyone in the family is familiar with it. The frequency of practice will depend on the number of people in the home and the age of the family members, but it is generally recommended to practice the plan at least every 6 months. This will help ensure that everyone is familiar with the plan and is prepared in the event of a home fire.

Fire Prevention

What are the best type of smoke detectors to use in my home?

The best type of smoke detectors to use in a home are ionization smoke detectors. Ionization smoke detectors are more sensitive to smaller particles of smoke, which can be produced by fast-burning fires, and are generally more reliable than other types of smoke detectors. It is important to make sure that the smoke detectors are properly installed and maintained to ensure that they are working properly.

In addition to ionization smoke detectors, there are also photoelectric smoke detectors. These types of smoke detectors are more sensitive to larger particles of smoke and are better at detecting smoldering fires. Both types of smoke detectors can be used in a home, but it is generally recommended to use ionization smoke detectors as they are found to be the most reliable.

There are several steps you can take to help prevent a fire in your home. Some of these include making sure to properly use and maintain any electrical appliances, keeping flammable materials away from heat sources, and regularly checking and replacing smoke alarm batteries as well as the smoke alarms themselves when the time comes. Taking these precautions can help reduce the risk of a home fire and keep your family safe.

Fire Extinguishers

First Alert Fire Extinguishers are available on Amazon

What are the best types of fire extinguishers for a home?

The best type of fire extinguishers for a home are dry chemical fire extinguishers. These fire extinguishers are designed to be safe and effective for use in homes, and they are effective against most common fires. They should be placed in easily accessible locations throughout the home and can be used to quickly put out a fire before it spreads. It is also important to ensure that everyone in the home is familiar with fire extinguishers – where they are and how to use them. Fire extinguishers have a limited lifespan. It is vital that they be changed out regularly. Most come with dated tags or stamps on them stating the date of manufacture along with the stated lifespan of the unit.

What are the best types of fire extinguishers for a kitchen?

For a kitchen, the best type of fire extinguisher is a Class K fire extinguisher. These fire extinguishers are designed to be used on fires involving cooking oils and fats, which can be common in home kitchens. Class K fire extinguishers are filled with an extinguishing agent that is designed to quickly put out these types of fires. They should be located near the kitchen and everyone in the home should be familiar with how to use them in the event of a fire.

Having a home fire escape plan is essential for ensuring the safety of everyone in the home in the event of a fire. It is important to identify all possible exits and obstacles, establish a designated meeting place, and have an emergency contact. It is also important to practice the plan regularly and make sure everyone in the home is familiar with it. Additionally, having the proper type of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers can be helpful to prevent and put out fires. Taking all of these precautions can help reduce the risk of injury or death in the event of a home fire.


Fire Prevention Tips:

It is important to properly use and maintain any electrical appliances, and electrical outlets, keep flammable materials away from heat sources, and regularly check and replace smoke alarm batteries. It is also important to have the proper type of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in the home and to practice your home fire escape plan regularly. Taking all of these precautions can help reduce the risk of injury or death in the event of a home fire.

What is the importance of keeping flammables away from heat sources?

Keeping flammable materials away from heat sources is essential for fire prevention. Flammable materials such as fabrics and paper can easily catch fire when exposed to heat, so it is important to keep them away from open flames, hot surfaces, and other heat sources. This includes keeping flammable materials away from stoves, space heaters, and any other appliances that produce heat. Taking this precaution can help reduce the risk of a home fire.

How should I store gasoline and other accelerants at my home?

Gasoline should always be stored safely and securely away from heat sources and any open flames. It should also be kept in an approved container and stored in a cool, dry place. It is important to make sure that the container is clearly labeled and that the lid is securely closed when not in use. Taking these precautions can help reduce the risk of an accidental fire caused by the improper storage of gasoline.

An Important Word About Lithium Ion Batteries and Fire Potential and Prevention

While lithium batteries are normally safe, they may cause injury if they have design defects, are made of low quality materials are assembled incorrectly, are used or recharged improperly, or are damaged. In February 2018, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Status Report on High Energy Density Batteries Project reported over 25,000 overheating or fire incidents involving more than 400 types of lithium battery powered consumer products that occurred over a five-year period. (OSHA “Preventing Fire and/or Explosion Injury from Small and Wearable Lithium Battery Powered Devices“, 2021, pp. 1-2)

If batteries are damaged, remove them from service, place in fire resistant container (e.g., metal drum) with sand or other extinguishing agent, and dispose in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Contact a local battery recyclingcenter for disposal instructions.. (OSHA “Preventing Fire and/or Explosion Injury from Small and Wearable Lithium Battery Powered Devices“, 2021, pp. 2-3)

Thanks for reading this article. I hope you find it useful. I wish you and your families all the best in health and life.



Berk is a Home Improvement Contractor with many years of experience in every area of household maintenance and improvement.

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